St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner, and just like every year, Toronto is ready to celebrate this fun tradition! There are many things to do depending on your preferences, and here we are going to tell you about some of the most popular and traditional events happening this year!
1. Go to the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade:
Every year since 1987 Irish and Torontonians have celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a parade full of colours, costumes, music, floats and much more! Starting at Bloor and St. George and finishing at Nathan Phillips Square, this parade is a great way to celebrate this festivity. Visit for more information.
2. Attend the Shamrock & Sneakers 4K Fun Run:
Bring your friends and help raise funds for the Cabbagetown Youth Centre by registering for this fun run! Special prizes, refreshments and entertainment will be available, and people of all ages will participate! All the funds raised will go towards the centre.
3. Drink a Green Beer (19+):
Something characteristic of St. Patrick’s Day is green beer. In selected pubs, such as Grace O’Malley’s, you can find green beer only on St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t miss this chance!
4. Attend the St. Patrick’s Day Mass:
If you observe the Catholic religion and want to honour St. Patrick, you can attend the St. Patrick’s Day Mass at the St. Michael’s Cathedral, a special celebration which the Irish Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Declan Kelly, attends every year.
5. Party at an Irish Pub (19+):
There is no better way to celebrate the patron of Ireland than at an Irish Pub! In Toronto, you can find many Irish Pubs, and these tend to open in the morning during St. Patrick’s Day. Have a good time with your friends sharing and celebrating with the Irish, singing along to traditional music and dancing the night away! It’s also a great opportunity to use Irish Slang.
Gabriela Garcia