and Memberships

recoginzed by industry organizations

Highest Quality Education Assured

ILAC has a long and distinguished history of providing quality English language study programs in Canada. At ILAC, you can be assured you are receiving the highest quality English language education at the highest level of industry standards. ILAC schools are accredited by those bodies designated to oversee schools in the education industry in Canada. Our accreditation by recognized industry organizations helps protect students’ rights.

Accreditaton and Memberships

Languages Canada
Languages Canada is Canada’s premier language organization representing language programs in both of Canada’s official languages: English and French. Member programs, both public and private, undergo a comprehensive accreditation process, meet the rigorous standards of the association and are committed to upholding them. ILAC-Vancouver and ILAC-Toronto locations are fully accredited members of Languages Canada.
Province of British Columbia: Education Quality Assurance
BC’s EQA Designation is a provincial seal that is recognized globally as a symbol of quality education and consumer protection. ILAC-Vancouver is accredited by the British Columbia Education Quality Assurance program and operates in accordance with its regulations and standards.
B.C. Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU)

“DESIGNATED B.C. PRIVATE TRAINING INSTITUTIONS BRANCH & Shield Design” mark is a certification mark owned by the Government of British Columbia and used under license.

ILAC is an institution designated by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. Language programs at designated/interim designated institutions that are longer than six months or for which tuition is at least $4,000 are programs requiring approval. Students enrolled in approved programs may make a claim against the Student Tuition Protection Fund for all or part of their tuition when an institution closes before they can complete their programs, or misleads them about a significant aspect of an approved program.

Bildungsurlaub is a program in Germany that allows employees from any sector to apply for up to 5 extra days of educational leave for professional advanced training. Language courses have become a popular option for Bildungsurlaub, allowing employees to travel and advance their foreign language skills abroad. German employees need to select a course that is recognized as BU by the Federal State which they work. ILAC language programs are recognized by all states.
The Association of Language Travel Organisations, ALTO
ALTO is the only premium forum joining leading language travel agents, schools, and national associations as one global community. ALTO’s mission is to provide a global platform for leaders and decision makers within the language travel industry to further develop and grow the industry through networking, professional development, idea, and information exchange.