ICEF Post-Event Syndrome

I am a Marketer. I always look sharp, as I am the face of the company I represent at ICEF. My shoes are always shiny, my shirt is ironed, and my brochures are the best in the industry. I am proud of what I do, I love my company and ICEF Berlin is something that I am always looking forward to. It’s the place where I get many great ideas, inspiration and meet old and new industry friends and partners. And ILAC epic parties definitely help me with that.

Every time, as soon as ICEF Berlin,the largest and most renowned event in education industry, is over I get depressed, lonely and sad that it’s ended. I even gave this feeling a name: “ICEF Post-Event Syndrome” (IPES).

IPES is hard to cure. Over the years I’ve managed to deal with it and here is how:

Beat Jet Lag

jet laggedThere is no magic pill to kill jet lag. You need to listen to your body and if you have symptoms like disturbed sleep patterns, headaches, exhaustion, diarrhea or even constipation, then you are definitely a jet lag victim.
Over the years of marketing experience, I have gotten used to flying over time zones. A few days before my trips to the east (including Berlin) I start going to bed earlier. If am planning to go west, then I go to bed later. I try to book flights with a stopover. This way, my body can adjust gradually to new time zones. During the flight, I try to eat and sleep according to the local time of my destination. I always try to stay hydrated and drink water, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, especially during the flights.

When returning to Canada, I try to spend more time outdoors, as fresh air helps me adjust to the new time zone quicker. I try to get at least four hours of sleep during the night and take sleeping pills with caution and only if needed.

Process Business Cards to Follow-Up On Spot

Business cards ILACMost of my ICEF meetings end with a business card exchange. After the conference, I am usually left with tons of the cards and have no time to sort them out.

I have found two ways to deal with this. My number one tip is that, while collecting cards at the conference, I divide the cards into two groups: the first for people and companies I am absolutely planning to follow up with, and the second for those that I am not really all that interested in. Sometimes I make a note on a business card that usually helps me remember the person and our conversation.

My second tip is scanning business cards through a free go-to business card scanning mobile app Evernote. It scans a card and leaves all the card information on your mobile device. It also interconnected with LinkedIn, which gives you an opportunity to move your professional conversation to a digital space.

Get Rid of the Emails ASAP

Emails ILAC
As you’ve all probably experienced, emails are the most stressful part of returning from a vacation or business trip. I deal with this problem using the following approach:

I try to reply my emails on the go, meaning during a stopover if I have a transit flight. I also reply the emails during ICEF or other conferences I go, usually in the mornings.

Right after the trip, I arrive to work an hour earlier, so I can peacefully (without any disturbance) sit down and reply to most of my emails. I quickly scan the most important ones and reply to them first. The rest I highlight with different colors in Outlook. Red ones are usually the most important and yellow ones can wait a day or two.

File Your Expenses the Day You Return

Receipts ILACFiling your business expenses requires accuracy. Before my first ever business trip, I sat down with an accountant and went through the expense-filing policies, to make sure I would follow them correctly.

It’s always unpleasant to lose a receipt, so I usually use “the envelope method”; putting all the receipts in one plain business envelope. I also snap a quick pic or make a copy of my receipts.

Another unpleasant moment is missing a filing deadline. I always make sure that I file my expenses the day I return, to ensure that I still remember all the details that I will probably forget after a few days.

Beat Loneliness! Move the Party Online!

ILAC agents at the partyA slight feeling of loneliness is a common “ICEF Post-Event Syndrome”(IPES). After the great networking events and amazing and highly-anticipated ILAC party, I always feel sad that it’s ended and my old and new business friends are now back in their countries, so far from me.

Being a social person, I found so many solutions and this is my favorite part of beating the IPES: I move the party and professional relationships to my online space!
The first things I check are the photos and videos from ICEF Berlin.

The ILAC social media team is great and usually uploads the photos within a couple of days after the event. I enjoy looking through them, commenting and tagging my friends. I also enjoy watching fresh videos from the ILAC party at ICEF Berlin. They always have a unique theme that is worth remembering.

This year ILAC Radio also shot a few fun “Idiom of the Day” programs, starring my agent friends. They are fun, educational and great for sharing with students too.

Me and my ILAC colleagues are always open to a dialogue. You can reach us through our LinkedIn page, Facebook, Twitter or email.

Beat the “ICEF Post-Event Syndrome,” and see you all at ICEF Berlin 2015!

Alena Khabibullina

Celebrating Berlin’s 25 year reunification live from ICEF Berlin starring Ekaterina Vlasova from Ambassadors Abroad – Russia.

Celebrating Berlin’s 25 year reunification live from ICEF Berlin starring Gulsah Akpinar, General Director HIT International Education – Turkey.

Celebrating Berlin’s 25 year reunification live from ICEF Berlin starring Oksana Almanova, Director Bell Group – Ukraine.

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