For over 25 years, ILAC has strived to break new ground for students in how we offer them our award-winning English education. To that end, we have an exciting announcement to make.
We are adopting a state-of-the-art digital curriculum in partnership with Pearson Canada! The modern classroom has moved past mere pen and paper, and to meet the growing needs of our tech-savvy and clever student body, we are adopting new interactive features for our classrooms, including:
• Interactive student eBooks with audio and video elements
• Extensive online practice materials
• Downloadable mobile apps
• The “ActiveTeach” suite of classroom presentation tools
• and more!
Smartphones, tablets, and multimedia devices are essential tools for the 21st century classroom, and we are no strangers to the cutting edge. Technology-enhanced language learning seamlessly bridges in-class and out-of-class learning activities and encourages the practical application of newly acquired language knowledge outside of the classroom.
By diversifying our approach to English language education, we also help our students expand their own digital competencies.
ILAC is committed to being on the frontier of education technology, so we hope you are as excited for this initiative as we are!